1 ICT and the Law
This code applies at all times, both in and out of lessons, whilst using school’s ICT equipment. The school network and the internet provide a valuable tool in accessing resources to enhance the
learning experience but only upon understanding that you agree to follow this code of conduct and agreement. Internet access is filtered and monitored to remove many harmful or offensive websites, but the following rules must be followed when using computers and mobile devices in order to protect you and others from risk. At all times you should use the schools network resources and the internet in an appropriate manner.
Using the School’s ICT Facilities
All pupils should use ICT facilities responsibly and are expected to accept the following principles:
- I will always check all ICT equipment for damage before using it.
- I will speak to the school’s ICT teachers or the ICT support personnel if I am unsure regarding any use of the ICT facility.
- I will not attempt to fix or repair any equipment by myself.
- I will only use the ICT facilities in school, including internet, email, mobile technologies etc. for
school purposes. - I will only log onto the school network/Portal with my own user name and password.
- I will not share my school password with anyone else and I understand that the school will
never send me an email requesting my school network password. - I will not download or install software on school ICT equipment without permission.
- I will never post aggressive or offensive material on the Portal or the web at any time.
- I will not attempt to bypass the internet filtering system.
- I will not bring food or drink into the ICT Rooms
Responsible Behaviour
- I will make sure that all ICT communications with pupils, teachers or others are responsible
and sensible. - I will not use email, digital photography or the Internet to harass or cause offense to my fellow
pupils, staff or others (whether inside or outside the school). Such action may be viewed as
cyber bullying, which is strictly forbidden (see ‘Being a member of the St Paul’s community). - I will ensure that my online activity, both in school and outside school, will not cause the
school, the staff, pupils or others distress or bring the school into disrepute. - I will respect copyright and understand that, particularly in respect of coursework, submitting
work downloaded directly from the Internet without proper acknowledgment may invalidate
my marks. - I understand that the school may from time to time use photographs and videos of students in different school campaigns ; these will be completely secure and will not be shared with other sources.
- I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if they are not followed,
school sanctions will be applied and my parent / guardian will be contacted. Possible sanctions
include detentions or removal of access to the school’s ICT facilities for a period of time. In the
case of a serious breach of this policy, an investigation into misconduct may lead to suspension
or even expulsion.
Online Safety
The school understands the value of social networks and digital communication and that they have
become an integral part of how young people socialise and interact. The following guidelines have
been drawn up for your own safety. You are encouraged to come forward if you are worried,
uncomfortable or upset by something that may have happened to you online, or by something you
yourself may have done.
- I will not give out personal information such as my home address, telephone number, password
or any other personal information in a social network profile. - I will not publish personal details or those of my fellow pupils or members of staff, online
or any social networking site without their permission and understand that I may be
asked to remove postings or pictures which cause offence or upset my fellow pupils or other
members of the school community. - I will not arrange to meet someone who I only know online without a parent / guardian being
present. - I understand that online contacts may lie about their identity. I know that information on the
internet can be unreliable. I will be very cautious about who and what I believe. - I will ensure that when using any social network my privacy settings are set correctly.
- If anything makes me uncomfortable or worried, I know that I can share this with a teacher or
parent without being blamed.
Using Your Own Devices in School
The school allows students to use their own devices (laptops, mobile phones etc.) around the school site
outside of lesson time. Such devices may be used in lessons in order to provide greater access to ICT,
enhance learning and self-study only when permission has been given by the member of staff in charge.
However, the following rules must be followed.
- Use of my own device in school is a privilege and is reliant on me using my device safely and
responsibly to assist with my school work. - Use of my device in school is entirely at my own risk and it is up to me to ensure that my
device is not damaged, lost or stolen. I acknowledge that the school accepts no responsibility or
liability for the safety of my device. - I will only use my device in lessons as directed by my class teacher.
- I will not use my device to record a lesson.
- I will not use my device to take photos, or make audio or video recordings without the express
permission of the individual(s) being photographed/recorded. - I will not post photos or recordings online without the express permission of the individual(s)
being photographed/recorded. - When in school I will only use my device in accordance with the rules set out above and the
school’s behaviour policy. - I understand that if I fail to follow these rules that my device may be confiscated and I may no
longer be able to use my device in school. Confiscated devices will be returned at an
appropriate moment following a conversation with my head of department or the principal of the school. I understand that my use of the school systems may be monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers. Any breach of these rules will be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Behaviour policy and may lead to the withdrawal of ICT facilities and/or in the case ofserious misconduct, may lead to exclusion from the school. - I understand that using school computers and Internet communication tools is a privilege that is earned and must be properly used with respect
- I understand that all the rules described in my school’s discipline code and this Technology Use Agreement apply when I am using computers at school and whenever I’m using the school’s web portal for social media activities, even from home or other non-school locations.
- I will immediately stop and tell the teacher or any ICT Personnel if anything happens on the computer or on the internet that does not seem right or makes me feel uncomfortable (inappropriate, offensive, illegal, any act of bullying, or action that violates the Technology Use Agreement).
- If I find something that is inappropriate on the Internet, I will leave it right away and notify the teacher or ICT Personnel especially if I reached the inappropriate material in the course of completing an assignment.
- I will not show other students inappropriate material or content. (This could be worse than finding the content)
- I will not use devices with cameras attached irresponsibly. It is an offence to record images of other students or members of staff without their prior permission.
- I will not bring devices such as Laptops or tablets into the school without presenting them to the IT Department to be registered before connecting to the wireless network.
- I will take care of the computer and all technology equipment as if it belonged to me.
- I understand that school computers should be used for learning, not for playing games, harassing, bullying, or vandalism. Inappropriate use may lead to loss of privileges and prosecution.
- I will only use school computers for classroom work assigned by the teacher and not for playing games or socializing apart from assigned activities.
- I will not participate in chat rooms (or instant messaging) while I am at school, unless specifically directed to by my teacher for a particular assignment.
- I will not damage the school computer nor load any viruses, spyware, or other malware onto the computer or network. I understand this would be considered a form of vandalism.
- I will not alter the settings of the computer desktop or how it works (control panels, network settings etc).
- I will not attempt to bypass security measures on the computer or the district network.
- I will not download any software from the internet unless specifically directed to as part of a lesson.
- I will not install any software on the school computer or the network.
- I will not buy, sell, nor advertise anything using the school computer and network.
- I will not log into the computer or network with someone else’s username and password.
- I will not seek out nor share inappropriate or other obscene material. ( as this may lead to prosecution)
- I will not tell anyone my password, nor use my login account. I will change my password regularly as per IT requirement. I will not login with another person’s login account. If I suspect that my login details are known by others, I will seek help from my ICT teacher so I can change it.
- I will not open any emails with attachments from senders I do not recognize or trust such emails will be deleted immediately.
- I understand that improper use of school computers, the Internet, and Email could break the law and/or school rules resulting in discipline which could include suspension from school.
- I will always treat people and their privacy with dignity and respect when using the computer and accessing the Internet in the same way that I would expect to be treated by them.
- I understand that I will not threaten, insult, gossip, tease, or treat others with cruelty while I am on line or using a computer. I understand this type of behavior is a form of bullying and will not be tolerated and will be punished and result in the loss of privileges.
- I will respect other students’ work on the computer. I will not copy, change, or remove another student’s work from the computer, the school network or the Internet.
- I will quickly report to a teacher or ICT personnel whenever I encounter anything on the internet that I think may be inappropriate or a violation of the school policies.
- I will not use email or messaging tools nor post and comment on blogs unless it is a specific part of the school assignment and with the teacher’s permission.
- I understand that copyright applies to documents, websites, pictures, music and movies. Copyright images or text from the internet or other sources cannot be used unless the owner gives permission to use the material; credit must then be given to that person. I know that failure to properly cite my sources of information is called plagiarism and is a form of cheating.
- I understand that things I post online may be seen by everyone at school and at home, and things that are posted on the Internet can be seen by everyone in the world.
- I will not give either my own personal details or any other person’s details to anyone by using the Baobab Learning Platform. This includes home address and mobile phone numbers, entering personal details into a website including bank account details, or uploading photographs.
- I understand that once information has been posted on-line it cannot be completely taken back even if a post is deleted, there could be older versions that were automatically saved that can be viewed, copied and disseminated.
- I will consider whom I am communicating with and think about how they might interpret my words.
- I will give constructive criticism and comments in order to help people and not to make them feel bad.
- I will only post information that I can verify is true and I will not spread gossip about other students.
- I will make sure my comments and discussion responses are related to the purpose of the original post and directed toward the author and not personal or social conversations unrelated to the assignment.
2 Acceptable Use of Technology Agreement
2.1 Category 1 Personal Responsibility and Safety
2.2 Category 2. Inappropriate Use
2.3 Category 3. Digital Wellness
3 Disciplinary Code
The disciplinary code is provided to guide and enlighten students on their expected code of conduct and punitive measures that may be taken for non-compliance. The disciplinary code given below is a guide; it is by no means exhaustive and circumstances that are not included may be handled differently.
Baobab College requires behaviour of the highest standard. In this regard Baobab College will endeavour to maintain order, efficiency and discipline. Discipline will be applied equitably considering both the violation under review and the general record of the student. This will determine the type of action to be taken and its severity.
Pos | Offence | Penalties | |||
1st Occurrence | 2nd Occurrence | 3rd Occurrence | 4th Occurrence | ||
Category 1 | Reprimand | Reprimand and incident recorded in student file and note made in HW diary | ICT detention and incident recorded in student file | 1 week internal suspension | |
Category 2 | IT facilities withdrawn for a period to be determined by the severity of the offence | ||||
Category 3 | 1 week external suspension | Expulsion |
I have read and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions as set out in this document at all times and in all circumstances which relate to the use of IT facilities at Baobab College.
Signed ______________________________ Print Name _________________________
Class ______________________________ Date _________________________
Please complete and return the slip to the form tutor to gain access to Baobab ICT facilities.
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