Re: Term 1 Academic Year 2015-16 Finance News Letter
- Term 2 Invoices for Academic year 2015-16
- Payment plans
- Gate Clearance Slips
- Early payment discounts
- Depositing Fees
- Term 2 Invoices for Academic year 2015-16:
Invoices have been processed for the academic year 2015-16. If you do not receive a paper invoice by Tuesday, 24th November 2015 please email the school at for a copy or see the class teacher. For those of you who receive invoices and statements via email, we will send out invoices via email on Friday, 20th November 2015. If you notice any errors on the invoice, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience so that we can correct the discrepancy.
- Payment plans
Payment plans are available and enrolment is every term, the earlier you sign up, the lower your monthly payments. Please note that defaulting on monthly instalments will make you ineligible for future payment plans. Please make an appointment for payment plan agreements; walk-ins are only available between 4th January 2016 to 15thJanuary 2016. When you sign up for a payment plan please remember to come with a proof of deposit amounting to 25% of the total invoice. Kindly note that your first instalment is due upon signing the agreement and shall be 25% of the total invoice due.
- Gate Clearance Slips:
As a reminder, please ensure that upon payment you collect your Gate Clearance slip. We will have staff at the gate for two whole weeks starting 11th January 2016 to 25th January 2016 Thank you for your cooperation and again we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused.
- Early payment discounts:
5% discount if fees for the whole year are paid before or on 1st August. Term 2 – 2% discount applies if the entire term’s fees are paid before or on 4th January. Payments made after those dates forfeit the early payment discount.
- Depositing fees
- Bank Details on Invoice – We have highlighted the bank details in bold on invoices to make it more visible and convenient for you to identify the bank transfer details.
- FNB will require you to provide them with a “referencing Baobab account code” which is the school account code found on top of the invoice – first letter and three numbers e.g A132 or B102.
- When depositing cash US dollars at Stanbic Bank, Stanbic will require you to provide them with an invoice from Baobab College, this is a Bank of Zambia regulation. If you forget the invoice when paying the school fees at either bank, do not panic or leave, just call us from the bank or see the manager and we will both take care of it.
For further information: For a softcopy of an invoice or statement email For email of proof of payment, send to For request of “School Account Code” call or text: 0968 876 806. Please do not hesitate to contact us for questions, clarification or concerns.
Bernadette Mwate
Finance Manager
Cc: Principal
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